Nach Vereinbarung: Montag - Freitag von 10:00 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr
Karolin VoigtPablo-Neruda-Straße 15, 99425 Weimar
0176 20044132

Hot Stone Massage

14. September 2018by BoldThemes0

Hot Stone Massage is designed to reduce chronic pain, muscle tension and joint stiffness. It targets the connective tissue that may have formed into stubborn, fibrinous knots. It stimulates, conditions and heals. While it can sometimes be an intense experience, Hot Stone Massage, contrary to popular opinion, need not be painful and can, in fact, be relaxing as the deeper layers of musculature are slowly released. This provides detailed attention to chronic issues and if you prefer a more intense massage experience.

  • Tendonitis – Keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off your body
  • Kyphosis – Builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness
  • Lordosis – Helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs
  • Scoliosis – Provides an all-over body workout, nearly all of your muscles are used
  • Torticollis – Swimming is helping in alleviating stress
  • Sciatica – Improving coordination, balance and posture

Reach the height of relaxation with our hot stone massage, where a combination of heated volcanic stones and warm massage oils are applied to massage the whole body at the deep muscle level. This signature treatment is found to release tension, promote circulation, nervous fatigue and create a positive energy flow in the body. An experience one should not miss.

Warm wrap

Treatment where the body is pasted with herb and wrapped in a plastic sheet and kept under the heated blankets for about 20 minutes, allowing the skin to be pampered and moisturized. You can choose between cool aloe vera wrap, a perfect treatment after a long day under the sun, or warm wrap for extra moisturization of the skin.


This spa treatment exfoliates the dead skin cells using various combination of sea salt, essential oils, water, skin brush, or loofah. Guest can choose from the selection of 6 types of scrub that best suited with their type of skin. The treatment is found to nourish the skin, improve circulation, cleanse and tone even the most sensitive skin.


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Ich bin Karolin Voigt, international zertifizierte Still-und Laktationsberaterin (IBCLC) und bei allen Fragen rund ums Stillen Deine zuverlässige, empathische Begleitung in Deiner ganz persönlichen Stillerfahrung.

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Ich bin Karolin Voigt, international zertifizierte Still-und Laktationsberaterin (IBCLC) und bei allen Fragen rund ums Stillen Deine zuverlässige, empathische Begleitung in Deiner ganz persönlichen Stillerfahrung.

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