Nach Vereinbarung: Montag - Freitag von 10:00 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr
Karolin VoigtPablo-Neruda-Straße 15, 99425 Weimar
0176 20044132

Endulge while waiting

22. November 2018by BoldThemes0

One treatment will leave your skin’s appearance radiant, smooth and toned in minutes leaving you with a velvety finish.

As part of your normal massage treatment heated stones are incorporated to provide a deeper, more intense therapy. Slow, gentle movements allows the heat from these stones to penetrate deeper into the muscles and soft tissue to further enhance the healing benefits of massage. This also promotes deeper relaxation as well as getting rid of negative energy, albeit of mind, body, or spirit.

What are the benefits
  • recharge your energy levels
  • reduce stress levels
  • release stored tension
  • boost circulation
  • relax yourself

This is a maintenance and stress management massage, suitable for all. Designed for general well being. Ranging from gentle to light or moderate pressure, moderately paced. For a more intense or deep treatment, please refer to our Medical, Orthopedic, or Deep Tissue massages.

Included are an application of soothing hot towels and herbal pillows for your comfort. Enjoy your journey!

This massage is designed to reduce chronic pain, muscle tension and joint stiffness. It targets the connective tissue that may have formed into stubborn, fibrinous knots. It stimulates, conditions and heals. While it can sometimes be an intense experience, Deep Tissue massage, contrary to popular opinion, need not be painful and can, in fact, be relaxing as the deeper layers of musculature are slowly released. This provides detailed attention to chronic issues and if you prefer a more intense massage experience.

Ideal treatment

This is an ideal treatment for those who need conditioning, regardless of age and shape. We highly recommend this massage for seniors, to help maintain and improve their stamina, energy and flexibility.

Massage combines various stretching and massage techniques to improve physical performance and help prevent injuries. You do not need to be an athlete to receive a sports massage. It is suitable for all who also want an invigorating and therapeutic massage experience.

Recommended for all

This treatment focuses on the “reflex zones” of the feet and hands. We also include pressure point work to the head for a uniquely „Natural Balance“ head-to-toes experience. Through systematic pressure on these zones, healing effects can be triggered throughout your entire body. Our Reflexology finishes with an invigorating and cleansing organic mint and butter scrub. Superbly relaxing yet very therapeutic. Recommended for all.

This treatment is also well suited for those who may be want to have a massage experience but may be „body shy“ and therefore not ready for a „full body“ massage.

Mineral Salt

Utilizing a shea butter-enriched Sea salt, you will enjoy a full body, invigorating cleansing treatment and scrub, designed to stimulate circulation and exfoliate rough, flaky skin. Infusions of either lavender, rosemary, geranium, ginger or lime will enhance your experience while helping to rejuvenate you. Your treatment will conclude with a relaxing lite-therapeutic massage with our rich body butter. Results?…softer skin, a vibrant glow, and a very relaxed you!


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Ich bin Karolin Voigt, international zertifizierte Still-und Laktationsberaterin (IBCLC) und bei allen Fragen rund ums Stillen Deine zuverlässige, empathische Begleitung in Deiner ganz persönlichen Stillerfahrung.

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Ich bin Karolin Voigt, international zertifizierte Still-und Laktationsberaterin (IBCLC) und bei allen Fragen rund ums Stillen Deine zuverlässige, empathische Begleitung in Deiner ganz persönlichen Stillerfahrung.

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